The pedagogical approach of all our courses can be described as a cognitive constructivist approach to learning, in particular language learning, which is combined with the currently available technology of desktop/laptop computers, tablet computers and smartphones. This approach sees learning, as does Common European Framework of Reference, as an active process and learners as active meaning makers.
This approach is particularly suited to non-academic learners and vocational learners who are not in full-time study.
Current trends indicate that today’s learners (especially business or vocational learners) are turning away from traditional print products to eLearning and online resources. Such learners will typically have constant access to the internet, preferring different devices during the course of a day.
High quality materials need to be available when learners can learn and directed towards their needs. The materials also need to be suitable for European learners and developed from a European perspective, if they are to have any impact.
By delivering our courses across multiple platforms and devices, we have created a situation that strives to emulate a total immersion situation of language learning. This situation is defined as e-immersionplus®, a concept developed and a term coined by Pendragon Educational Publishers.
The e-immersionplus environment ensures that the content of the course is customised in such a way that the complete course, or parts of the course respectively, is accessible on desktop/laptop computers, on tablet computers and also on smartphones, each of these technological devices complementing the others. This will allow learners to have the contact time with the target language that is needed for sustainable learning to take place.